The Rewards for Good Deeds by Shaykh Sharaf ad-Din 'Abdul Mu'min ad-Dimyati
$ 19.95 USD
It is part of the divine system of Allah that He ensured the protection of this religion in its pristine purity. Not only did He guarantee the protection of the Qur'an. but also the protection of the Hadith. i.e. the statements and actions of the Messenger of Allah. Muhammad (s.a.w). There are numerous compilations of Hadith covering different themes and subjects. From among these numerous compilations. are those that concern themselves with fada'il al-a'mal the virtues of deeds. Compilations of this nature contain Ahadith which mention some virtue or other for doing certain good deeds.
This collection of Ahadith, without doubt, creates an urge and enthusiasm to do good deeds. The book then concludes with a chapter on the description of the 'abode of reward'. i.e. Paradise. and the different comforts, luxuries and bounties that are in store for those who will be blessed with entry into it.
The learned Shaykh has undertaken to quote Ahadith from the most authentic sources. All Ahadith are thoroughly referenced. thereby increasing the value of this book.
Hardcover 797 pages
Zam Zam Publishers